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Ka Wiktionary

Af soomaali

[wax ka badal]



[wax ka badal]
  • Ingiriis: (a) soo (go ahead) + maal (extract milk / work) = hospitable with milk / nomad
  • Ingiriis: (b) soof (herd) + maal = traditional rural herder
  • Ingiriis: (c) sac (cow / meat) + maal (lifestyle) = cattle pastoralism / meat eater
  • Ingiriis: (d) sooc (differentiator) + maal = hints at medieval ethnoreligious upheaval
  • Ingiriis: (e) sama + maal / sama (good) + leh (have) = Samaale => Soomaali
  • Ingiriis: (f) soo (before) + maal (ranching) = ancient peasant ; earliest indigenous / earliest native pastoralist
  • Ingiriis: (g) ta shemaw = semitized (W) to (L) to shemal => shomaal => soomaal
  • Ingiriis: (h) Asmakh / Automoli / Sembritae (tribe) = soo + maag = Soo + maal
    • Ingiriis: (h) (by extension) Asmakh = Makahiil / is-makaab (self- well structure / fortification) is-maqanee (self-depart) / is-maqas (cut oneself off) / is-maag = is-magan (self representing)
  • Ingiriis: (i) sama (enjoined) leh (proclaimers) (see etymology Smȝ-tȝ.w(j),)


[wax ka badal]
  • Ingiriis: Somali,


[wax ka badal]