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Hour 16. Debugging Your Code[wax ka badal]

No one writes perfect code. You're most certainly familiar with those problems that prevent code from executing properly�they're called bugs. Being new to C#, your code will probably contain a fair number of bugs. As you gain proficiency, the number of bugs in your code will decrease, but they will never disappear entirely. Debugging is a skill and an art. This book can't teach you how to debug every possible build or runtime error you may encounter; however, in this hour you will learn the basic skills necessary to trace and correct most bugs in your code.

The highlights of this hour include the following:

  • Adding comments to your code
  • Identifying the two basic types of errors
  • Working with break points
  • Using the Command window
  • Using the Output window
  • Creating a structured error handler
graphics/bookpencil.gif The Task List window is useful for addressing build errors in code. However, because its use goes beyond this simple debugging application, I discuss the Task List in [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/ch11.htm#ch11 Hour 11], "Creating and Calling Methods."

Before proceeding, create a new Windows Application project named Debugging Example. Change the name of the default form to fclsDebuggingExample, set its Text property to Debugging Example, and change the Main() entry point of the project to reference fclsDebuggingExample instead of Form1.

Add a new text box to the form by double-clicking the TextBox item in the toolbox. Set the text box's properties as follows:

Property Value
Name txtInput
Location 88,112
Size 120,20
Text (make blank)

Next, add a new button to the form by double-clicking the Button item in the toolbox, and then set its properties as follows:

Property Value
Name btnPerformDivision
Location 96,144
Size 104,23
Text Perform Division

Your form should now look like the one shown in [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig01 Figure 16.1].

Figure 16.1. This simple interface will help teach you debugging techniques.


All this little project will do is divide 100 by whatever is entered into the text box. As you write the code to accomplish this, various bugs will be introduced (on purpose), and you'll learn to correct them. Save your project now by clicking the Save All button on the toolbar.


Adding Comments to Your Code

One of the simplest things you can do to reduce bugs from the start�and make tracking down existing bugs easier�is to add comments to your code. A code comment is simply a line of text that C# knows isn't actual code. Comment lines are stripped from the code when the project is compiled to create a distributable component, so comments don't affect performance. C#'s code window shows comments as green text. This makes it easier to read and understand procedures. You should consider adding comments to the top of each procedure stating the purpose of the procedure. In addition, you should add liberal comments throughout all procedures, detailing what's occurring in the code.

graphics/bulb.gif Comments are meant to be read by humans, not by computers. Strive to make your comments intelligible. Keep in mind that a comment that is hard to understand is not much better than no comment at all. Also, remember that comments serve as a form of documentation. Just as documentation for an application must be clearly written, code comments should also follow good writing principles.

To create a comment, precede the comment text with two forward slash marks (//). For example, a simple comment might look like this:

// This is a comment because it is preceded with double forward slashes.

Comments can also be placed at the end of a line of code, like this:

int intAge; // Used to store the user's age in years.

Everything to the right of and including the double forward slashes in this statement is a comment. C# also supports a second type of comment. This allows for comments to span multiple lines without forcing the developer to add // characters to each line. The comment begins with an open comment mark of a forward slash, followed by an asterisk (/*), and the comment closes with a close mark of an asterisk followed by a forward slash (*/). For example, a comment can look like this:

/* Chapter 16 in Sams TY C#
focuses on debugging code, a topic
every developer spends a lot of time on. */

By adding comments to your code, you don't have to rely on memory to decipher the code's purpose or mechanics. If you've ever had to go back and work with code you haven't looked at in a while, or had to work with someone else's code, you probably already have a great appreciation for comments.

Double-click the button now to access its Click event and add the following two lines of code (comments, actually):

// This procedure divides 100 by the value entered in
// the text box txtInput.

Notice that after you enter the second forward slash, both slashes turn green. Comments, whether single line (//) or multiline (/* comments */), will be displayed in a green font in Visual Studio.

When creating code comments, strive to do the following:

  • Document the purpose of the code (the why, not the how).
  • Clearly indicate the thinking and logic behind the code.
  • Call attention to important turning points in code.
  • Reduce the need for readers to run a simulation of code execution in their heads.
graphics/bookpencil.gif C# also supports an additional type of comment denoted with three slashes (///). When the C# compiler encounters these comments, it processes them into an XML file. These types of comments are often used to create documentation for code. Creating XML files from comments is beyond the scope of this book, but if these features intrigue you, I highly recommend that you look into it.

Identifying the Two Basic Types of Errors

graphics/newterm.gif Essentially, two types of errors can occur in code: compile errors and runtime errors. A compile error (commonly called a build error) is an error in code that prevents C#'s compiler from being able to process the code. C# won't compile a project that has a build error in it. A method call with incorrect parameters, for example, will generate a build error. Runtime errors are errors that don't occur at compile time but are encountered when the project is being run. Runtime errors are usually a result of trying to perform an invalid operation on a variable.

For example, the following code won't generate a compile error:

intResult = 10 / intSomeOtherVariable;

Under most circumstances, this code won't even generate a runtime error. However, what happens if the value of intSomeOtherVariable is 0? Ten divided by zero is infinity, which won't fit into intResult (intResult is an Integer variable). Attempting to run the code with the variable having a value of 0 causes C# to return a runtime error. Runtime errors are called exceptions, and when an exception is created, it is said to be thrown (that is, C# throws an exception when a runtime error occurs). When an exception is thrown, code execution stops at the offending statement and C# displays an error message. You can prevent C# from stopping execution when an exception is thrown by writing special code to handle the exception (writing error handlers is discussed later in this hour).

Add the following statements to the Click event, right below the two comment lines:

long lngAnswer;

lngAnswer = 100 / long.Parse(txtInput.Text);
MessageBox.Show("100/" + txtInput.Text + " is " + lngAnswer)

The missing semicolon in the MessageBox.Show line is intentional; type in the preceding line of code exactly as it appears. Although you've missed the ending semicolon, C# doesn't return an immediate error. However, notice how C# displays a wavy red line at the end of the statement. Notice the Description in the Task List following an exclamation point and a red, wavy line; C# displays a tip explaining the nature of the error (see [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig02 Figure 16.2]).

Figure 16.2. Using wavy underlines, C# highlights build errors in the code window.


Press F5 to run the project. When you do, C# displays a message that a build error was found and asks you whether you want to continue. Because the code won't run, there's no point in continuing, so click No to return to the code editor. Take a look at the Task List (if it's not displayed, use the View menu to show it). All build errors in the current project appear in the Task List (see [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig02 Figure 16.2]). To view a particular offending line of code, double-click an item in the Task List.

Build errors are very serious errors in that they prevent code from being compiled; therefore, they completely prevent execution. Build errors must be corrected before you can run the project. Double-click the build error in the Task List to go directly to the error.

Correct the problem by adding a semicolon to the end of the line. After you've made this change, press F5 to run the project. C# no longer returns a build error; you've just successfully debugged a problem! Click the Perform Division button now, and you'll receive another error (see [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig03 Figure 16.3]).

Figure 16.3. A runtime exception halts code execution at the offending line.


This time, the error is a runtime error, or exception. If an exception occurs, you know that the code compiled without a problem because build errors prevent code from compiling and executing. This particular exception is a Format exception. Format exceptions generally occur when you attempt to perform a method using a variable, and the variable is of an incompatible data type for the specified operation. Click Break to view the offending line of code. C# denotes the offending statement with a green arrow (the arrow indicates the current statement). At this point, you know that the statement has a "bug," and you know it is related to data typing. Choose Stop Debugging from the Debug menu now to stop the running project and return to the code editor.


Using C#'s Debugging Tools

C# includes a number of debugging tools to help you track down and eliminate bugs. In this section, you'll learn how to use break points, the Command window, and the Output window�three tools that form the foundation of any debugging arsenal.

 Working with Break Points
graphics/newterm.gif The same way an exception halts the execution of a method, you can deliberately stop execution at any statement of code by creating a break point. When C# encounters a break point while executing code, execution is halted at the break statement, prior to it being executed. Break points enable you to query or change the value of variables at a specific instance in time, and they let you step through code execution one line at a time.

You're going to create a break point to help troubleshoot the exception in your MessageBox.Show() statement.

Adding a break point is simple. Just click in the gray area to the left of the statement at which you want to break code execution. When you do so, C# displays a red circle, denoting a break point at that statement (see [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig04 Figure 16.4]). To clear a break point, click the red circle.

Figure 16.4. Break points give you control over code execution.


graphics/bookpencil.gif Break points are saved with the project. This makes it much easier to suspend a debugging session; you don't have to reset all your break points each time you open the project.

Set a new break point on the statement shown in [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig04 Figure 16.4] (the statement where lngAnswer is set). Do this by clicking in the gray area to the left of the statement. After you've set the break point, press F5 to run the program. Again, click the button. When C# encounters the break point, code execution is halted and the procedure with the break point is shown. In addition, the cursor is conveniently placed at the statement with the current break point. Notice the yellow arrow overlaying the red circle of the break point (see [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig05 Figure 16.5]). This yellow arrow marks the next statement to be executed. It just so happens that the statement has a break point, so the yellow arrow appears over the red circle (the yellow arrow won't always be over a red circle, but it will always appear in the gray area aligned with the next statement to execute).

Figure 16.5. A yellow arrow denotes the next statement to be executed.


When code execution is halted at a break point, you can do a number of things. See [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16table01 Table 16.1] for a list of the most common actions. For now, press F5 to continue program execution. Again, you get the Format exception. Click Break to access the code procedure with the error.

Action Keystroke Description
Continue Code Execution F5 Continues execution at the current break statement.
Step Into F11 Executes the statement at the break point and then stops at the next statement. If the current statement is a function call, F11 enters the function and stops at the first statement in the function.
Step Over F10 Executes the statement at the break point and then stops at the next statement. If the current statement is a function call, the function is run in its entirety; then execution stops at the statement following the function call.
Step Out Shift+F11 Runs all the statements in the current procedure and halts execution at the statement following the one that called the current procedure.
Using the Command Window 

Break points themselves aren't usually sufficient to debug a procedure. In addition to break points, you'll often use the Command window to debug code. The Command window is a Visual Studio IDE window that generally appears only when your project is in Run mode. If the Command window isn't displayed, press Ctrl+Alt+A to display it now (or use the Other Views submenu of the View menu). Using the Command window, you can type in code statements that C# executes immediately. You'll use the Command window now to debug our problem statement example.

Type the following statement into the Command window and press Enter:

? txtInput.Text

Although not intuitive, the ? character has been used in programming for many years as a shortcut for the word "print." The statement that you entered simply prints the contents of the Text property of the text box.

Notice how the command window displays "" on the line below the statement you entered. This indicates that the text box contains an empty string (also called a zero-length string). The statement throwing the exception is attempting to use the long.Parse() method to convert the contents of the text box to a Long. The long.Parse() method expects data to be passed to it, yet the text box has no data (the Text property is empty). Consequently, a Format exception occurs.

graphics/bookpencil.gif Generally, when you receive a Format exception, you should look at any variables or properties being referenced to ensure that the data they contain is appropriate data for the statement. Often, you'll find that the code is trying to perform an operation that is inappropriate for the data being supplied.

You can do a number of things to prevent this error. The most obvious is to ensure that the text box contains a value before attempting to use the long.Parse() method. You'll do this now. C# doesn't allow you to modify code when in break mode, so choose Stop Debugging from the Debug menu before continuing.

Add the following statement to your method, right above the statement that throws the exception (the one with the break point):

if (txtInput.Text == "") return;

Press F5 to run the project once more, and then click the button. This time, C# won't throw an exception, and it won't halt execution at your break point; the test you just created causes code execution to leave the procedure before the statement with the break point is reached.

Type your name into the text box and click the button again. Now that the text box is no longer empty, execution passes the statement with the exit test and stops at the break point. Press F5 to continue executing the code, and again you'll receive an exception. Click Break to enter Break mode, and type the following into the Command window (be sure to press Enter when done):

? txtInput.Text

The Command window prints your name.

Well, you eliminated the problem of not supplying any data to the long.Parse() method, but something else is wrong. Press F5 to continue executing the code and take a closer look at the exception text. The last statement in the text says Input string was not in a correct format. It apparently still doesn't like what's being passed to the long.Parse() method. By now, it may have occurred to you that no logical way exists to convert alphanumeric text to a number; long.Parse() needs a number to work with. You can easily test this by entering a number into the text box. Do this now by clicking Break, choosing Stop Debugging from the Debug menu, and pressing F5 to run the project. Enter a number into the text box and click the button. Code execution again stops at the break point. Press F11 to execute the statement. No errors this time! Press F5 to continue execution and C# will display the message box (finally). Click OK to dismiss the message box and then close the form to stop the project.

graphics/bulb.gif You can use the Command window to change the value of a variable in addition to printing the value.

Because the long.Parse() method expects a number, yet the text box contains no intrinsic way to force numeric input, you have to accommodate this situation in your code. You will learn how to deal with exceptions later on in this chapter using a catch statement.

 Using the Output Window 

The Output window (see [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig06 Figure 16.6]) is used by C# to display various status messages and build errors. The most useful feature of the Output window, for general use, is the capability to send data to it from a running application. This is especially handy when debugging applications.

Figure 16.6. The Output window displays a lot of useful information�if you know what you're looking for.


You've already used the Output window in previous hours, but you might not have seriously considered its application as related to debugging. As you can see from [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig06 Figure 16.6], some data sent to the Output window by C# isn't that intuitive�in fact, you can ignore much of what is automatically sent to the Output window. What you'll want to use the Output window for is printing data for debugging (as you have done and will do throughout this book). Therefore, it's no coincidence that printing to the Output window is accomplished via the Debug object.

To print data to the Output window, use the WriteLine() method of the Debug object, like this:

Debug.WriteLine("Results = " + lngResults);

The Debug object is a member of the System.Diagnostics namespace. Therefore, to define the scope for Debug.WriteLine statements, you will need to add using System.Diagnostics to the header section of your class (along with the other using statements C# creates automatically.

graphics/bookpencil.gif If you do not add using System.Diagnostics to the top of your code file, you can still access Debug.WriteLine() by writing out the full expression: System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine().

Whatever you place within the parentheses of the WriteLine() method is what is printed to the Output window. Note that you can print literal text and numbers, variables, or expressions. WriteLine() is most useful in cases where you want to know the value of a variable, but you don't want to halt code execution using a break point. For instance, suppose you have a number of statements that manipulate a variable. You can sprinkle WriteLine() statements into the code to print the variable's contents at strategic points. When you do this, you'll want to print some text along with the variable's value so that the output makes sense to you. For example:

Debug.WriteLine("Results of area calculation = " + sngArea);

You can also use WriteLine() to create checkpoints in your code, like this:

Debug.WriteLine("Passed Checkpoint 1");
// Execute statement here
Debug.WriteLine("Passed Checkpoint 4");
// Execute another statement here
Debug.WriteLine("Passed Checkpoint 3");

Many creative uses exist for the Output window. Just remember that the Output window isn't available to a compiled component; calls to the Debug object are ignored by the compiler when creating distributable components.


Writing an Error Handler Using try...catch...finally

It's very useful to have C# halt execution when an exception occurs. When the code is halted while running with the IDE, you receive an error message and you're shown the offending line of code. However, when your project is run as a compiled program, unhandled exceptions will cause the program to terminate (crash to the desktop). This is one of the most undesirable things an application can do. Fortunately, you can prevent exceptions from stopping code execution (and terminating compiled programs) by writing code specifically designed to deal with exceptions. Exception-handling code is used to instruct C# on how to deal with an exception, rather than relying on C#'s default behavior.

graphics/newterm.gif C# supports structured error handling (a formal way of dealing with errors) in the form of a try block and/or catch block(s) and/or a finally block. Creating structured error-handling code can be a bit confusing at first, and like most coding principles, it is best understood by doing it.

Create a new Windows Application called Structured Error Handling. Change the name of the default form to flcsErrorHandlingExample, set its Text property to Try…Catch…Finally, and change the Main() entry point of the project to reference fclsErrorHandlingExample instead of Form1. Next, add a new button to the form and set its properties as follows:

Property Value
Name btnCatchException
Location 104,128
Size 96,23
Text Catch Exception

Double-click the button and add the following code.

Debug.WriteLine("Done Trying");
graphics/bookpencil.gif Remember to add using System.Diagnostics to the top of your class so that you can use the Debug.WriteLine() statement.

As you can see, the try, catch, and finally statements use the braces ({ } ) to enclose statements. The try, catch, and finally structure is used to wrap code that may cause an exception; it provides the means of dealing with thrown exceptions. [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16table02 Table 16.2] explains the sections of this structure.

Part Description
try The try section is where you place code that may cause an exception. You may place all of a procedure's code within the try section, or just a few lines.
catch Code within a general catch clause executes only when an exception occurs; it's the code you write to catch any exception. There may be multiple catch clauses to handle specific exceptions.
finally Code within the finally section occurs when the code within the try and/or code within the catch sections completes. This section is where you place your "clean up" code�code that you want always executed regardless of whether an exception occurs.
graphics/bookpencil.gif Three possible forms of try statements are the following:
  • A try block followed by one or more catch blocks.
  • A try block followed by a finally block.
  • A try block followed by one or more catch blocks, followed by a finally block.

This example is using a try block followed by a catch block, followed by a finally block.

Press F5 to run the project and then click the button. Next, take a look at the contents of the Output window. The Output window should contain the following lines of text:


Done Trying

Here's what happened:

  1. The try block begins, and code within the try section executes.
  2. No exception occurs, so code within the catch section doesn't execute.
  3. When all statements within the try section finish executing, the code within the finally section executes.
  4. When all statements within the finally section finish executing, execution jumps to the statement immediately following the try, catch, and finally statements.

Stop the project now by choosing Stop Debugging from the Debug menu. Now that you understand the basic mechanics of the try, catch, and finally structure, you're going to add statements within the structure so that an exception occurs and gets handled.

Change the contents of the code to match this code:

long lngNumerator = 10;
long lngDenominator = 0;
long lngResult;

 lngResult = lngNumerator / lngDenominator;

Debug.WriteLine("Done Trying");

Again, press F5 to run the project; then click the button and take a look at the Output window. This time, the text in the Output window should read


Done Trying

Notice that this time the code within the catch section is executed. This is because the statement that sets lngResult causes a DivideByZero exception. Had this statement not been placed within a catch block, C# would have raised the exception and an error dialog box would have appeared. However, because the statement is placed within the try block, the exception is "caught." This means that when the exception occurred, C# directed execution to the catch section (you do not have to use a catch section, in which case caught exceptions are simply ignored). Notice also how the code within the finally section executed after the code within the catch section. Remember, code within the finally section always executes, regardless of whether an exception occurs.

 Dealing with an Exception 

Catching exceptions so that they don't crash your application is a noble thing to do, but it's only part of the error-handling process. Usually, you'll want to tell the user (in a friendly way) that an exception has occurred. You'll probably also want to tell the user what type of exception occurred. To do this, you have to have a way of knowing what exception was thrown. This is also important if you intend to write code to deal with specific exceptions. The catch statement enables you to specify a variable to hold a reference to an Exception object. Using this Exception object, you can get information about the exception. The following is the syntax used to place the exception in an Exception object:

catch ( Exception variablename) 

Modify your catch section to match the following:

catch (Exception objException)
 MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred: " + objException.Message);

The Message property of the Exception object contains the text that describes the specific exception that occurs. Run the project, click the Catch Exception button, and C# displays your custom error message (see [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#ch16fig07 Figure 16.7]).

Figure 16.7. Structured exception handling lets you decide what to do when an exception occurs.


 Handling an Anticipated Exception 

At times, you'll anticipate a specific exception being thrown. For example, you may write code that attempts to open a file when the file does not exist. In such an instance, you'll probably want the program to perform certain actions when this exception is thrown. When you anticipate a specific exception, you can create a catch section designed specifically to deal with that one exception.

Recall from the previous section that you can retrieve information about the current exception using a catch statement such as catch (Exception). By creating a generic Exception variable, this catch statement will catch any and all exceptions thrown by statements within the try section. To catch a specific exception, change the data type of the exception variable to a specific exception type. Remember the code you wrote earlier that caused a Format exception when an attempt was made to pass an empty string to the long.Parse() method? You could have used a try structure to deal with the exception, using code such as this:

long lngAnswer;

 lngAnswer = 100 / long.Parse(txtInput.Text);
 MessageBox.Show("100/" + txtInput.Text + " is " + lngAnswer);
catch (System.FormatException)
MessageBox.Show("You must enter a number in the text box.");
 MessageBox.Show("Caught an exception that wasn't a format exception.");

Notice that two catch statements are in this structure. The first catch statement is designed to catch only a Format exception; it won't catch exceptions of any other type. The second catch statement doesn't care what type of exception is thrown; it catches all of them. This second catch statement acts as a "catch all" for any exceptions that aren't Format exceptions, because catch sections are evaluated from top to bottom, much like case statements in the switch structure. You could add more catch sections to catch other specific exceptions if the situation calls for it.



In this hour, you learned the basics for debugging applications. You learned how adding useful and plentiful comments to your procedures makes debugging easier. However, no matter how good your comments are, you'll still have bugs.

You learned about the two basic types of errors: build errors and runtime errors (exceptions). Build errors are easier to troubleshoot because the compiler tells you exactly what line contains a build error and generally provides useful information about the error. Exceptions, on the other hand, can crash your application if not handled properly. You learned how to track down exceptions using break points, the Command window, and the Output window. Finally, you learned to how to make your applications more robust by creating structured error handlers using the try structure.

No book can teach you everything you need to know to write bug-free code. However, this hour taught you the basic skills to track down and eliminate many types of errors in your programs. As your skills as a programmer improve, so will your debugging abilities.



[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#qad1e50188 Q1:] Should I alert the user that an exception has occurred to just let the code keep running?
A1: If you've written code to handle the specific exception, then there's probably no need to tell the user about it. However, if an exception occurs that the code doesn't know how to address, you should provide the user with the exception information so that he or she can report the problem and you can fix it.
[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#qad1e50198 Q2:] Should I comment every statement in my application?
A2: Probably not. However, you should consider commenting every decision-making and looping construct in your program. Usually, these sections of code are pivotal to the success of the procedure, and it's not always obvious what they do.
[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/16.htm#qad1e50208 Q3:] I'm tired of writing out the full qualifier System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(). Is there anyway to shorten this?
A3: Yes, by adding a using directive for the System.Diagnostics namespace, you will be able to access its members without having to specify the namespace. This will shorten all your System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine() statements to Debug. WriteLine().


The Workshop is designed to help you anticipate possible questions, review what you've learned, and get you thinking about how to put your knowledge into practice. The answers to the quiz are in [file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/app01.htm#app01 Appendix A], "Answers to Quizzes/Exercises."

[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/app01lev1sec16.htm#ch16ans01 1:] What type of error prevents C# from compiling and running code?
[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/app01lev1sec16.htm#ch16ans02 2:] What is the name of a runtime error: an error that usually occurs as a result of attempting to process inappropriate data?
[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/app01lev1sec16.htm#ch16ans03 3:] What character is used to denote a single line comment?
[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/app01lev1sec16.htm#ch16ans04 4:] To halt execution at a specific statement in code, you set a what?
[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/app01lev1sec16.htm#ch16ans05 5:] Explain the yellow arrow and red circles that can appear in the gray area in the code editor.
[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/app01lev1sec16.htm#ch16ans06 6:] What IDE window would you use to poll the contents of a variable in Break mode?
[file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dani/Asztal/c%23in24h/app01lev1sec16.htm#ch16ans07 7:] True or False: You must always specify a catch section in a try structure.
  1. In the code example that sets lngAnswer to the result of a division expression, change lngAnswer from a long to a single (call it sngAnswer). Next, remove the if statement that tests the contents of the text box before performing the division. Do you get the same exceptions that you did when the variable was a long? Why or why not?
  2. Rewrite the code that sets lngAnswer to the result of a division expression so that the code is wrapped in a try structure. Remove the if statements that perform data validation, and create two catch sections�one for each of the possible exceptions that may be thrown.